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Page 12

  “You’re close,” Connor murmured. “I can feel every muscle in your body straining, fighting it.” He chuckled. “You don’t have to try to prolong the pleasure, baby. If you come too fast, I’ll just ask him to make you come again.”

  Rylan slid one long finger inside her, then cursed loudly. “Oh Jesus. She’s so tight, Con. Gonna squeeze the hell out of your cock when you’re fucking her.”

  The crude words had her squirming against his finger, clenching even tighter around it. Connor’s breathing grew heavier, heated the side of her neck as his palms squeezed her breasts. She wished she could see his face, but she knew from the thick erection pressing into her ass that he was turned on. That he liked what his friend was doing to her.

  He rocked his hips, the denim of his jeans scraping her bare ass. She wanted him naked, damn it. Naked and inside her, taking her from behind while Rylan’s wicked tongue did wicked things to her clit.

  But he didn’t give her what she wanted. He toyed with her breasts as Rylan slipped another finger inside her. Those long fingers moved, slow at first, then faster, deeper, curling suddenly to hit a spot that made her gasp. Rylan’s muffled chuckle shot up her spine like an electric current.

  “Are you gonna be a good girl and come for us?” Connor whispered.

  “Yes,” she wheezed.

  “Tell Ry what it’ll take to get you there. Tell him what you need.”

  Her head was spinning, the aching demands of her body too intense to vocalize.

  Connor gave a sharp tug on her hair. “Tell him.”

  “My clit,” she whimpered. “Suck on my clit.”

  Rylan proved he was equally good at following directions, because his mouth found her core again, his lips wrapping around the swollen bud, which demanded attention. He gave a hard suck, and Hudson went off like a grenade. The orgasm slammed into her, making her cry out and fall back against Connor’s chest.

  “That’s it, baby. There you go. Ride it out.” His fingers flicked her nipples as Rylan’s mouth stayed latched to her clit, milking the pleasure from her body until she was weak-kneed and dazed.

  Hudson blinked rapidly. For a moment she forgot where she was. She registered the sunlight beating down on her, the scent of warm earth and summer grass. Soft kisses on the insides of her thighs. A teasing lick to her clit that made her wriggle. Then Rylan rose to his feet and kissed her hard enough to make her gasp. She tasted herself on his tongue, and it was so insanely erotic that she grabbed onto his bare chest to hold herself steady.

  But she didn’t have to worry. Connor was still there, the solid wall of his body plastered to her spine, the anchor keeping her grounded. He rubbed his erection against her buttocks, and then he was gone, triggering a rush of disappointment that faded fast, because he simply shifted positions so he was next to Rylan, facing her.

  Then he took her hand and moved it to Rylan’s zipper. “Undo his pants.”

  Her fingers trembled, but somehow she managed to clasp the little tab and slowly pull it down. The metal teeth released inch by inch, and then Rylan’s jeans popped open. When his cock sprang up, she experienced a clench of panic. If she had sex… with either of them… without protection…

  Her anxiety eased when Connor spoke again. “Let’s see how good you are at returning the favor. Give him your mouth.”

  Rylan’s piercing glittered in the sunlight. She wondered what it would feel like against her tongue. She wondered if Connor was pierced too. At this rate, she’d never get to find out, because his jeans stayed zipped despite the very noticeable erection straining inside them.

  He caught her gaze and smirked. “You’re just dying for my cock, aren’t you? Shame on you, sweetheart. You’re gonna give Ry a complex.”

  “No, I’m going to give him a blow job.”

  Both men chuckled, but neither looked surprise by the bold response.

  It surprised her, though. She wasn’t usually so brazen, but she couldn’t help herself. Not when she wanted them both so badly.

  Meeting Rylan’s eyes, she wrapped her fingers around his shaft and gave it a tentative pump.

  His chest rose as he inhaled. “Ah. That’s nice.”

  Connor’s mocking gaze found hers. “You’ll have to do better than that. When you put your hands on a man’s cock, you don’t want to hear him say it’s nice.”

  Her nostrils flared, a spark of indignation prompting her to tighten her grip.

  “Fuck,” Rylan ground out.

  “There you go,” Connor said in approval. His hand brushed her cheek in a tender caress before curling around her neck. “On your knees, Hudson. I want to see those sexy lips wrapped around his dick.”

  Her bare knees collided with the dirt as Connor guided her down with a commanding hand. Her heartbeat galloped, rattling her rib cage, pounding in her ears. She’d done this only a couple times before, with men who’d been terrified that Dom might walk in and find her mouth on their dicks. Her sexual encounters had always taken place in the dark, in secrecy. Awkward, hurried joinings with lovers who’d wanted to come as fast as they could so they wouldn’t get caught.

  Rylan’s erection was… daunting. The thickness of it, the piercing, the drop of moisture pearled on the blunt tip.

  “Don’t be shy,” Connor chided.

  Hudson took a breath. Then she leaned in and licked the crown of Rylan’s cock.

  She was rewarded by a strangled curse and a shudder, a response that gave her the confidence to continue. She lapped up the moisture at his tip, the salty flavor combining with the metallic taste of his piercing as it bumped her tongue. She toyed with the smooth barbell, teasing it with her tongue and summoning a groan from his lips.

  “Get him nice and wet,” Connor said. “It’ll make it easier to take him deep.”

  Rylan groaned again. “Not sure I’ll even make it to that point, brother. I’m too worked up from feeling her ride my face.”

  She eagerly followed Connor’s instructions, licking Rylan until his shaft glistened. She was dying to explore, to find out what made a man moan and curse and pant with pleasure, but Rylan hadn’t been kidding about how close to the edge he was, and Connor was quick to bark out another order.

  “He’s close, baby. Suck harder. Work that cock until you get him there.”

  She couldn’t draw Rylan in as deep as she wanted, so she curled her fingers around his base to take what her mouth couldn’t. His piercing tickled the roof of her mouth as she sucked him, swirling her tongue around his head with each upstroke.

  Rylan’s breathing quickened, one hand tangling in her hair. She couldn’t get enough of the husky sounds he was making, the hard length of him thrusting inside her mouth as he flexed his hips to meet her strokes. It was exciting and dirty, even more so because Connor was there, watching her with heavy-lidded eyes.

  “Coming,” Rylan mumbled, and then he let out another groan and his release filled her mouth.

  She hummed around him, sucking harder as hot lust jolted through her. Lust, and a strange sense of power, because she’d made him lose control even when she was the one on her knees.

  “Yeah,” he ground out. “Oh yeah, that’s good.”

  Rylan’s soft grip on her head was replaced by a rough one – Connor, shoving his fingers through her hair to still her movements as his friend recovered from the orgasm.

  “C’mere,” Connor muttered.

  Her knees wobbled as he yanked her to her feet, and she was surprised when his mouth suddenly crashed down on hers in a blistering kiss. She knew he could taste Rylan’s salty flavor on her tongue, but he didn’t seem to care. With a growl, he drove his tongue deep, kissing her with an urgency that sucked the oxygen from her lungs.

  When he finally broke them apart, she whimpered in disappointment. Waited for him to reach for her again, to undo his pants, to do something.

  What he did was take a step back. “Let’s grab some lunch before we get back to work,” he said with a shrug.

  Hudson gaped at hi
m. “But…”

  “But what?”

  His knowing smile grated. “You’re not…” She shook her head in dismay. “We’re not…?”


  She stared at him for a moment. Then she glowered. “Why the hell not?”

  “You started all this by licking Ry, remember? Next time, if you want me inside you, I suggest you lick me.” He didn’t sound angry, but amused, and the bastard actually had the nerve to chuckle as he stalked off.

  Wide-eyed, Hudson watched him disappear into the lodge.

  What. The. Hell.

  Rylan’s soft laughter penetrated the fog of confusion, and she turned to see him tucking his semihard cock into his pants. He zipped up and flashed her a grin. “He likes you.”

  “Really?” she grumbled. “Because this is the second time he’s walked away from me.”

  “That doesn’t mean anything.”

  Rylan picked up her discarded clothing, drawing her attention to the fact that she was still naked. Connor’s rejection had made it difficult to focus on anything other than the extreme annoyance coursing through her blood.

  She gritted her teeth. “It means he’s an asshole who likes to leave me hurting.”

  “Trust me, gorgeous. Connor has a reason for everything he does. He’s a calculated bastard, but he’s not cruel.”

  “Sure as hell feels like it.”

  “Nah, he just has a knack for knowing what people need. And that’s what he did now. He gave both of us what we needed.”

  She battled her confusion. “How?”

  “Well, I like games.” Rylan’s dimples appeared as he smiled again. “Like the one we played now. He knows I need that, so he gave it to me.”

  “And what do I need?” She bit her lip. “What did he give me?”

  That got her a chuckle. “You know exactly what he gave you.”

  No, she didn’t. She had no idea what the rules were in this damn land. She had no idea why anyone acted the way they did. Connor, especially.

  Rylan bent over and brushed his lips over hers. “You’ve got a lot to learn.” He gave her another light, soothing kiss. “But Connor is an easy man to figure out, gorgeous. All you have to do is look hard enough.”


  Connor had known she’d track him down eventually. Not that he was trying to hide from her. He was in the barn because that’s where he went most nights, mostly to stare at the piles of junk littering the room and wonder how to make best use of the space.

  Hudson looked apprehensive as she wandered inside. “Hey,” she said.

  He nodded in greeting before turning to examine a weathered oak cabinet that was taller than he was. Shit, clearing the place out would be a hassle. Especially when he wasn’t sure it was even worth it. A year in one camp was an eternity in the free land – most folks were lucky to get a month before they had to move on. Usually bandits drove them out, other times it was Enforcers, but either way, packing up and leaving was a fact of life.

  “What are you planning on doing with all this space?” Her curious gaze rose to the hayloft above their heads.

  “Not sure,” he admitted. “Storage maybe. I keep coming out here to figure it out, but the thought of getting rid of all this garbage is fucking daunting.”

  She ran a hand over the side of the antique cabinet, her fingers leaving tracks in the layer of dust on the wood. “You could do what your friend Lennox did,” she suggested. “Turn it into a… playroom. Or whatever you want to call it.”

  He chuckled. “There aren’t enough people in this camp to make it worthwhile.”

  “Why is that again?” She tipped her head. “I still don’t see why you can’t open your doors to other outlaws.”

  “I’m a heartless bastard, I guess.”

  “No. You’re not.” She paused. “That’s why I don’t understand it. I don’t understand you.”

  “Do yourself a favor and stop trying to understand me.” He turned away. “I’m a fucking puzzle you’re never going to solve.”

  She laughed softly. “Rylan said you’re easy to figure out if I just try hard enough.”

  “Yeah? Well, Rylan talks out of his ass half the time.”

  “I think he’s more perceptive than you give him credit for.” She shrugged. “And I think he’s right – I’ll figure you out once I put the effort into it.”

  “I think you should focus your efforts elsewhere.” He crossed the cluttered room, settling onto an old torn-up sofa and reaching for the bottle he’d left on the table next to it. They’d scored an entire case of cheap whiskey during the raid, enough to keep him happy for a while. And he was feeling pretty damn happy at the moment, enjoying the hot buzz of alcohol traveling in his blood.

  “So, anyway.” Hudson stood in front of him, her body language conveying some serious unease. “I came out here to ask you something.”

  “All right. So ask.”

  Her cheeks turned pink. “Um… do you have condoms?”

  His hand froze before the bottle reached his lips. “Why would you ask that?”

  She hesitated, then spoke in a resigned voice. “Because we’ll need them if we have sex.” A pause. “I’m not sterilized.”

  Connor’s breath flew out in a hiss. “What?”

  “I can bear children,” she said awkwardly.

  “I fucking know what ‘not sterilized’ means, Hudson.”

  He was just shocked to hear it. Ninety percent of West City’s women were sterilized the moment they reached childbearing age. It was another way the GC controlled the population. But the other ten percent…

  “You’re a breeder?” he demanded.

  She nodded, visibly embarrassed. “I should have told you yesterday when we talked about my life in the city, but I didn’t think about it. Not until today, when I realized that if we had sex, then…” She sighed. “I’m sorry. I honestly wasn’t trying to keep it from you.”

  He believed her. And as the shock wore off, he realized it made sense that she’d been chosen to breed. Only men and women with desirable genes were allowed to procreate in the city, and with her role as both a fighter and a nurse, Hudson possessed a rare combination of strength and compassion that could definitely be considered desirable.

  “Um… so yeah. If we’re going to have sex, we need protection.”

  Damn right they did. He always used protection – the thought of bringing a child into this screwed-up world made him sick to his stomach. There weren’t many children running around in outlaw territory. They existed, of course, but their parents tended to keep them well hidden, because if the Enforcers discovered a child outside the city walls, they carted it back to West City and killed its parents for breaking the population laws.

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got it covered,” he muttered.

  “Oh. Okay. Thanks.” Hudson turned to leave. “Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say.”

  “Where do you have to run off to, sweetheart? Come here.”

  She moved closer, pausing when she was two feet away from him. He didn’t miss the flicker of excitement in her eyes.

  He patted his lap. “No. Here.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You’re drunk.”

  “Maybe a little.” Drunk enough to not care about anything but his cock’s demands. Drunk enough to not give a shit about the consequences. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t know what I want.”

  She hesitated. Then, without a word, she slowly lowered herself onto him, positioning her thighs on either side of his. The heat of her core seared right through his cargo pants. He’d driven himself crazy today keeping her at a distance, but he’d wanted to teach her a lesson. To show her what happened when she ignored his rules. The downside to that was having to walk around with a hard-on all fucking day.

  “Yeah?” Her voice was throaty. “And what do you want?”

  He answered by yanking her head down and molding their mouths together, eliciting a squeak of surprise from her. The sound transformed into a soft sigh as his lips
brushed hers in a lazy kiss. She wasted no time driving the kiss deeper by parting his lips with her tongue, and her passion caught him by surprise.

  When she sucked on his tongue, his balls drew up so tight, they damn near disappeared.

  Connor broke them apart with a groan. “Jesus, baby. Watching you suck Rylan today got me so hot. I haven’t stopped thinking about your tongue.”

  He dove in for another kiss, slicking his tongue over hers in a slow, possessive glide. Then he bit it, and her whole body jerked.